Constructed and implemented an enhanced Maintenance Management Operating System (MMOS) for FMS Diesel Mobile Maintenance (6)
Pre-PM and Perfect PM Model / PM Routines Reinforcement
- Availability
- Performance Management
- CMMS Data Improvement
- Effective Inspections
- Bad Actor Management
- Shift Change Management
- Work Management Process (planning)
- Supply Chain Stockout Alarm System
- Pre-PM
- PM Routines
- 5´s
- Pit Stop Green Flag System
- Flexibility Matrix
Driver Goal
- To improve efficiency, predictability and reliability within the Mobile Maintenance area and equipment.
- To improve Maintenance planning and operational effectiveness.
- The delivery of the training and coaching required to enable the changes in behavior needed to ensure the sustainability of the operational improvements.
Up to Week 16
Up to Week 16
- Achieved Short range drilling availability to 93% for June. 9 points above the target, and long range drilling availability to 87% for June. 3 points above the target.
- Achieved MTBF 17 hours for June. 5 points above target.
- Early Shifts Inspection Program has generated 44 minute average of additional potential scoop utilization.
- 3.33% of real utilization for Scoops generated by improved shift management initiatives.
- Stablished a 40 min std effective inspections.
- Achieved 100% lubrication compliance for drills for the first time and 100% for scoops for 3 weeks.
- Manloading has raised to 77% avg. from 40% before generating 700 MH avg of real executed hours.
- 100% Pre-PM and Perfect PM compliance for equipment.
Even though the routine for hourly PM has been consistent throughout 2020 for equipment, compliance was low due to reactive work and lack of parts. Kitting process for PM work was not in place at that moment. 39% of the backlog work was attributed to “waiting on parts” status within warehouse. (November 2020).
Even though the routine for hourly PM has been consistent throughout 2020 for equipment, compliance was low due to reactive work and lack of parts. Kitting process for PM work was not in place at that moment. 39% of the backlog work was attributed to “waiting on parts” status within warehouse. (November 2020).
Solution Approach
Installed a Pre-PM process two weeks prior to a PM that allows to have every part needed in place and additional relevant corrective work from Backlog. Perfect PM concept implies parts sufficiency, productivity and efficiency by having kits ready in a designed shop area to be used but also all the work needed ton ensure reliability and availability.
Installed a Pre-PM process two weeks prior to a PM that allows to have every part needed in place and additional relevant corrective work from Backlog. Perfect PM concept implies parts sufficiency, productivity and efficiency by having kits ready in a designed shop area to be used but also all the work needed ton ensure reliability and availability.
Actions Taken
- 8 Week projection developed to be able to forecast due dates of every equipment.
- Bad Actor Management Paretos review process is executed to be able to prioritize equipment that need more attention. Then Kit Parts verification process and provisioning is conducted.
- Pre-PM prototype process installed including more robust inspections in order to define additional work.
- Achieved compliance of 15/15 equipment through the Pre-PM process and 100% of compliance for the first 9 equipment enrolled in the Perfect PM program. Zero lack of parts status achieved.
- Kitting process in place for all Scheduled Perfect-PM work.
- The planners have been given a calendar with the routine of actions to be completed prior to the services.Add object cause paretos to the Pre - MP in order to review the areas with the greatest failures to generate new Work Requests that resolve these problems.
- Once a failure is detected after a PM a revisión process has been installed in order to identify gaps within the initial inspection. For instance, electrical system and hidraulic leaks revision were not included in some cases.
- ACR conducted and PM routines are reinforced with pertinent work related to the previous analysis.